Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tesla Aims at Bending Texas Law of Non Direct-to-Consumer Sales


Electric and Plug-in-Hybrid car manufacturers face quite a lot of problems as they try to penetrate the market with their new technology, citing the common victims, Fisker Automotive and Tesla Motors, both are faced with problems ranging from legislation, catastrophes, leadership and even market acceptance.
The latest one comes from Tesla Motors, the company is trying to get a direct-to-consumer slae pass into Texas. Basically, the law of Texas states that new vehicles be sold only through dealers and Tesla at the moment does not have a franchised dealer in the State, the law aims at giving local Texans jobs but for a company like Tesla, direct-to-consumer sales strategy has proven to be perfect just like in all oher states.
Elon Musk the company’s CEO is said to have spoken to the Texas Governor Rick Perry who promised to look at the issue once it’s tabled on his desk. The move has received different views, Rob Braziel, CEO of legislative affairs of the Texas Automobile Dealers Association said; We don’t see any business reason or law reason that this product should receive a special exception from the law that applies to everyone else.


Source: GTSpirit



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